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For FRP sculpture, the biggest hazard is cracking. Mud sculpture has almost no strength or very low strength before final setting, or the strength of mud sculpture just after final setting is affected by high temperature or strong wind. Excessive water loss on the surface of mud sculpture causes large negative pressure in the capillary tube and makes the volume of mud sculpture shrink sharply. At this time, the strength of mud sculpture can not resist its own shrinkage, so cracking occurs. The main factors affecting plastic shrinkage cracking of clay plastics are water cement ratio, setting time of clay plastics, ambient temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and so on.


Temperature cracks in FRP sculpture mostly occur on the surface of large volume clay sculpture or in the clay structure with large temperature difference. After the clay plastics are poured, a large amount of hydration heat is generated by cement hydration during the hardening process. Because of the large volume of clay plastics, a large amount of hydration heat gathers in the interior of clay plastics and is not easy to disperse, which leads to a sharp rise in the internal temperature and a faster heat dissipation on the surface of clay plastics. This results in a larger temperature difference between the interior and the exterior, resulting in a different degree of thermal expansion and contraction between the interior and the exterior, which causes a certain tensile stress on the surface of clay plastics. When the tensile stress exceeds the ultimate tensile strength of clay plastics, Cracks will occur on the surface of clay-plastics, which mostly occur in the middle and late stages of clay-plastics construction.


To prevent the cracking of FRP sculpture clay sculpture, it is necessary to keep as wet as possible, or try to wrap it in super-thin plastic film, or to increase the fibers in the clay, which can be crushed together by foaming waste newspapers, and then rolled a piece of mud into two mud cakes, after which a piece of cotton flocculent will be rolled one by one, and then consolidated into one. A piece of mud cake, which is repeated many times until the cotton floss and mud are well fused together. Here the cotton floss plays a role in preventing cracking. In addition, we should pay attention to the quality of mud, the finished products should be dried in shade and so on.



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