伟人塑像,伟人雕塑,伟人雕像由铜雕之家提供。行路致远,砥砺前行。毛主席伟人像,毛主席雕塑,毛主席人物半身像,毛主席的铜像是由青铜铸造,像重3。7吨,像高6米,基座高4。1米,寓意主席在位41年;全高10。1米,寓意中华人民共和国10月1日成立;毛泽东主席铜像身着中山装,胸前左上衣口袋外挂着“主席”出席证,双手握着文稿,面带微笑而又沉思,正视前方,再现了领袖在开国大典时的风采。置身铜像下,仿佛身边又一次响起了那洪亮的湘音:“中华人民共和国、中央人民政府成立了…'毛主席铜像位于韶山毛主席纪念馆大门前80米处,广场伟人雕塑,像区占地5200平方米。是经中共中央批准兴建的纪念毛主席百周年诞辰重点献礼工程。 毛主席铜像重3.7吨,像高6米,基座高4.1米,通高10.1米,象征着“10.1”国庆,伟人雕塑,更象征着毛主席是新中国的缔造者。像面朝东南方,身着中山装,左胸前挂着“主席”证,手执文稿,目光炯炯,面带微笑,正视前方,巍然挺立,成功地再现了人民领袖毛主席出席开国大典时的风采。铜像褐红色大理石基座正面,镌刻着中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央主席1992年题写的“毛主席同志”五个贴金大字。 铜像由著名雕塑大师、中国美术馆馆长刘开渠和他的高足国家一级美术师程允贤设计,国家一级企业、航空航天工业部南京晨光机器厂铸造。 1993年12月20日上午,同志专程赴韶山为毛主席铜像揭幕。
Great man statues, great man statues, great man statues provided by the home of bronze sculpture. Go far and move forward. Chairman Mao's great figure, Chairman Mao's sculpture, Chairman Mao's bust, Chairman Mao's bronze statue is cast by bronze, weighing 3. 7 tons, like 6 meters high, 4 pedestals high. 1 metre, implying that the chairman has been in office for 41 years; the total height is 10. 1 metre, implying the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1; Chairman Mao Zedong's bronze statue was dressed in a Zhongshan suit, with the "Chairman" attendance card hanging outside his left chest jacket pocket, holding the manuscript in both hands, smiling and meditating, facing the front, reproducing the style of the leader at the National Celebration. Under the bronze statue, it seems that the loud voice of Hunan once again sounded around me: "The People's Republic of China and the Central People's Government have been established................................. The bronze statue of Chairman Mao is located 80 meters in front of the door of Chairman Mao Memorial Hall in Shaoshan. The statue area covers 5200 square meters. It is a key gift project approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to commemorate Chairman Mao's centenary. Chairman Mao's bronze statue weighs 3.7 tons. It is 6 meters high, 4.1 meters high and 10.1 meters high. It symbolizes the National Day of 10.1, the statue of a great man and the founder of New China. Faced to the southeast, dressed in a Zhongshan suit, with a "Chairman" card hanging on his left chest, a manuscript in hand, bright eyes, a smile on his face, facing the front and standing tall, he successfully reproduced the elegance of Chairman Mao when he attended the founding ceremony of the People's Republic. On the front of the brown-red marble pedestal, the bronze statue is engraved with five gold letters inscribed by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the President of the State and the President of the Central Committee in 1992: "Comrade Chairman Mao". The bronze statue was designed by renowned sculptor Liu Kaiqu, curator of the Chinese Art Museum, and Cheng Yunxian, first-class national artist of Gaozu. It was cast by Nanjing Chengguang Machinery Factory, first-class national enterprise and Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics Industry. On the morning of December 20, 1993, comrades went to Shaoshan to unveil the bronze statue of Chairman Mao.
The Bronze Statue Square is very magnificent and magnificent, with pine and cypress planted, giant sculptures planted in government units, holly, camellia, rose planted in flower beds, and so on. It presents flower baskets to the chairman, looks up to the magnificence of the giants, takes pictures to remember them, and feels the proud demeanor of a generation of giants and the tremendous strength of the past. Great man statues, great man statues, great man statues provided by the home of bronze sculpture.
There is a landscape stone at the entrance of Looking Avenue on the central axis of the square. There is a landscape stone inscribed with the words "Chairman Mao of China" written by Shen Peng, former chairman of the Chinese Calligrapher Association. On both sides of the avenue, there are six symmetrical small landscape stones inscribing Chairman Mao's poems such as "Qinyuan Chun Xue". Around the greening area, the plants are allocated with "red in the four seasons", and trees and shrubs are combined.
The bronze statue surrounds 56 cedar trees on three sides. It symbolizes the unity of 56 nationalities around the Party Central Committee, forming a strong and spectacular background forest effect. The area is mainly for visitors to flowers and look forward to, expressing their respect and yearning for Chairman Mao; the area of visiting space is 1700 square meters, with giant sculptures, 12 steps different from the space of looking forward to, mainly for visitors to take pictures and large-scale commemorative tables.
Stage use; commemorative space area of 5950 square meters, 12 steps away from the visiting space. This area is mainly for visitors'evacuation, commemorative activities and gatherings; the leisure space area is mainly located in the creation of the atmosphere for visitors' leisure and bronze statues'prospective visits, with landscape avenues and stone scenery on the central axis. Great man statues, great man statues, great man statues provided by the home of bronze sculpture.
版权所有:天顺雕塑 电话:15031649999
地址:河北唐县铜雕工业园 技术支持:天顺雕塑 [天顺雕塑] ICP备案编号: 暂无号